The Book That Finally Helped Me Write a Novel

writing with fountain penLet’s face it: writing a novel is hard work. And, one of the things that often makes it harder is books on how to write novels. Yes, you read that correctly. I honestly believe the sometimes reading a book about how to write a novel actually gets in the way.

Perhaps you’ve read this elsewhere—and because I absolutely believe this to be true, I think it bears repeating—there are two kinds of novelists:

  1. Writers who write by the seat of their pants (sometimes called “pantsers”) and write each day without planning their novels.
  2. Writers who plan each part of their novels before they write it, complete with character sketches and an outline.

The trick is knowing which kind of writer you are before you purchase a book that will help you write a novel. Continue reading “The Book That Finally Helped Me Write a Novel”