Are There Books You Can’t Stop Reading?

We all have our favorites: dog-eared copies of books that we read over and over again. I had favorite books as a child, and you probably did, too. When I was at an age before I could read, the stories that I couldn’t get enough of included Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Pokey Little Puppy, and anything illustrated by Brian Wildsmith, the award-winning British artist. He used brilliant colors in his illustrations, and to this day, I am STILL drawn to color.

Even though I am not a visual artist, I can’t get enough of color. I am forever trying to convince art directors at Marquette to add some orange to the palette and my poor, long-suffering husband to allow me to paint our walls brilliant shades of purple, green, and blue. So far, he is winning, but we once came close to buying a plush purple sofa together, so I am making progress! Continue reading “Are There Books You Can’t Stop Reading?”

In Defense of Passion: Why We Should Make Time for What We Love

two-people-standing-over-a-sign-that-says-passion-led-us-hereOne question that has plagued me throughout my adult life as a creative person is, should I follow my passion?

When I was in my twenties, the answer was a resounding YES. It was easy enough to make that decision in college when I was a student and didn’t have to worry about things like health insurance or saving for retirement. I felt free to follow whatever interested me and did.

It got considerably tougher to do that once I was out of college and in the “real world,” trying to make a living. And yet, I eventually found my way back to writing. In this post, I will discuss my own journey with the hope that it will inspire you to always make a little time for your own dreams. Continue reading “In Defense of Passion: Why We Should Make Time for What We Love”

The Book That Finally Helped Me Write a Novel

writing with fountain penLet’s face it: writing a novel is hard work. And, one of the things that often makes it harder is books on how to write novels. Yes, you read that correctly. I honestly believe the sometimes reading a book about how to write a novel actually gets in the way.

Perhaps you’ve read this elsewhere—and because I absolutely believe this to be true, I think it bears repeating—there are two kinds of novelists:

  1. Writers who write by the seat of their pants (sometimes called “pantsers”) and write each day without planning their novels.
  2. Writers who plan each part of their novels before they write it, complete with character sketches and an outline.

The trick is knowing which kind of writer you are before you purchase a book that will help you write a novel. Continue reading “The Book That Finally Helped Me Write a Novel”